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International Breakfast

International breakfast

Craving contact with other parents? Would you love someone to serve you breakfast?


Then come along to the International Breakfast at the Familientreff family centre in Oberursel! The table is laid with delicious food, all you have to do is turn up, eat, and enjoy meeting other moms and dads and their little ones in a lovely relaxed atmosphere. After we’ve eaten, there is still plenty of time to talk and let the children explore in the playroom. It’s a great place for you and the babes to make new friends.


You deserve a treat, and as well as giving you a morning off from preparing and clearing up from breakfast, the International Breakfast is a great opportunity to get to know the Familientreff and Clare from Nests & Wings, who runs Mummy & Me groups here in English on Wednesdays. Clare is also happy to answer any questions you might have about parenting and the German system.


The International Breakfast for parents & children takes place once a month from 09.00 am – 11.00 am at the Familientreff. It costs €5 Euro per adult (€6 for non-members). 



We look forward to meeting you!


Familientreff e.V.

Schulstraße 27a, 61440 Oberursel




Telefon: 06171-59905

Fax: 06171-699862

(Erreichbarkeit: Di bis Do 10:00 - 12:00)









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